FFS people, the choice is not difficult

    by knivesofsmoothness


    1. We have to stop calling these people undecided voters. They are either non voters or trumpers who won’t publicly admit it

    2. DonJuniorsEmails on

      But wait, there’s more!!

      The plate of glass is also racist, and has sexually assaulted many women. 

      Sadly, that makes it even more appealing to the trumper cult 

    3. Charles_Chuckles on

      And it’s also like

      “If you don’t choose, someone else gets to choose for you”

      Then the other person chooses the broken glass. And then they’re like

      “Well *I* didn’t choose the broken glass. This isn’t *my* fault. Don’t Blame *me*”

    4. WaitingForNormal on

      But the glass eating party loves eating glass and anyone asking about the sandwich always was going to eat the glass.

    5. It’s also completely disingenuous at this point, we have a good idea of her specific policy ideas now beyond they’ll be in line with democratic norms.

      Tax the ultra wealthy and corporations to fund infrastructure while providing incentives for people getting a start in small business/home ownership/child raising.

      Promote basic civil rights like codifying Roe v Wade into law.

    6. It’s not a reason. It’s a justification. They’re voting Trump and pretending to justify it with logic. Only problem is the logic doesn’t work in this case since we know far more about Harris’ plans than Trump’s.

    7. Puzzleheaded-Top944 on

      How difficult is this choice? Its does seem like an easy choice especially as most of the people wouldnt understand policy even if they heard it. If you chose **3** or more on the list **VOTE HARRIS,**

      • Abortion Rights

      • LGBTQ+ Rights

      • Climate Change Action

      • Universal Healthcare

      • Gun Control

      • Immigration Reform

      • Economic Equality

      • Protecting Social Security and Medicare

      REPUBLICANS are Against ALL of the aforementioned.

      But they say, ‘Trust me. We’ll get eggs back to $1.50 a dozen, gas to $2. We’ll harness nuclear power to build cars, save the cats and dogs in Springfield, and you**r mom and dad will handle daycare.**

      VOTE HARRIS or suffer a dictatorship and a disruption to world order for the next for the for the next 100 years

    8. cumbersome-shadow on

      So we can’t question the details of her policies? You know what that sounds like that sounds like a cult. Vote for her or else everyone dies.

      Damn people.

      Okay now that that’s over. I feel like I have to say this otherwise you guys are going to think I’m a Trump voter – Yes I’m registered Yes I live in a red state and yes I plan on voting for her.

      Questioning our political candidates is something we should do. We should ask them for the details of their policy, or in Trump’s case any thing that makes sense lol. It shouldn’t necessarily mean that we’re not going to vote for them but we want the details of what they’re pushing. More information is good it’s not always an attack.

    9. Particular_Ad_3411 on

      While this is true, every politician should be extremely scrutinized, so yes I want to know about the sandwich and how every ingredient got made and why it is there. Problem being it has somehow become a norm that the other candidate has shoved his foot so far in his mouth he puts ouroboros to shame.

    10. tanukis_parachute on

      I have talked to five people at my work who recently told me they were undecided. So many reasons- I didn’t like how they went through the process with Biden to push him out and then anointed her (said he- white male- was going to vote third party and was a lifelong republican), another said he (mixed interracial white/black)wanted to hear about her policy on unearned capital gains taxes and that was his deciding factor and if she didn’t espouse on it he was voting for trump and he also told me he questioned whether she had been truthful about her parental background, and a older gen x married couple – latina and white male – who had a bunch of different reasons they were unsure – guns, forced vaccines (both have severe health issues), and a bunch of other stuff i stopped listening to.

      Another middle aged woman (white) who and single and has a couple of cats also questioned a lot of things but did blurt out that at least trump was open and honest. she is in a senior position that works with US companies to bring them to foreign countries and sell their products.

      One thing I have noticed about all of them, they all mention facebook a lot.

      I think I am going to eat at my desk more than in the lunch room.

    11. I don’t know. Do we choose a former district attorney of 20 years and current vice president whose administration resulted in unprecedented economic growth after the presidency before it put everything into a catastrophic and fatal tailspin or do we vote for guy who has his own nine-eleven terrorist attack equivalent in Janurary 6 when he directed a mob of hideously violent idiots to attack the Capitol building?

      Yes, it’s tough deciding between a competent party and a documented criminal rapist with the appeal, intellect, charm, and face of a winking brain tumour.

    12. Amd trump has a concept of policies. Hell the only ACTUAL policies he has stated on his OWN WEBSITE are the destruction of Department of Education which will hurt millions, Deportation which will hurt millions, and tariff which will hurt millions… oh wait, these “undecideds” are racists or misogynists who refuse to vote for a POC woman. No big deal. Not like their racist misogynistic ass would be the reason we would wind up with another 4 years of trump or something.

    13. NoLibrarian5149 on

      It’s been over 8 years of Trump being in the political spotlight. Unless you’ve been under a moss covered rock without access to the modern world the entire time, you know exactly what you’re going to get from the GOP… and if that and suddenly stumbling across Project 2025 doesn’t effect your judgement… well, you’re a lost cause.

    14. TheHeartsFilthyLesin on

      At this point, if you’re voting for Trump, you’re not a conservative, you’re not a patriot, and you are an enemy of democracy.

    15. ChangeMyDespair on

      The sandwich comparison dates back to 2008, when the broken glass was John McCain. Good old days back then, huh?

      Source: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2008/10/27/undecided

    16. Also the same folks asking for specifics have never cracked open an Economics or Civics book in their life so they wouldn’t even understand the “specifics” if they got whacked over the head with said books

    17. plagueofstars555 on

      She has been incredibly specific, meanwhile Trump has given no specifics. These people are purposely not listening.

    18. Yeah these people are like ‘well Trump might do a better job, because you know… uh, the policies and uh…’ and it’s like just stfu. The guy is a fucking menace and crazier than a crate full of rabid squirrels. The choice for his cabinet and advisors? The rabid squirrels. Duh.

    19. Like Trump has a single policy laid out.

      Republican legislation is the laziest least thought out piece of shit.

      I genuinely believe they did not foresee the consequences of banning abortions the way they did in some of these states and then they are to chicken shit to walk back their legislation a little bit allowing these exceptions. They make blanket abortion bans because they can’t be bothered to write a couple extra paragraphs.

      My question is what policies do people want more clarification from Harris on?

    20. Edge_of_yesterday on

      trumps policies are…

      * Kill brown people
      * Transfer money to the wealthy
      * Concepts of a plan

    21. Gonna channel my inner Rumsfeld here and say that the known unknowns and unknown unknowns about Donald Trump’s plans are way scarier. 

    22. The sandwich will continue a genocide. I wouldn’t want voting for that on my consciousness, but you do you, america.

    23. the_Mandalorian_vode on

      And Trump has been so detailed in his policies? Deport 11 million illegal immigrants. No one asks him how? Fix the economy with tariffs. No one asks him how that works.

    24. Anxious-Raspberry-54 on

      At this point…

      Undecided = voting for Trump and embarrassed to say it.

      And I think *many* of them are “vote with the pocket book/wallet” crowd. I’ll vote for a dictator if it means more money in my pocket.

      Deport thousands? I’m white. This means nothing to me.

      LGBTQ/Civil/Voting rights? I’m white and straight. This means nothing to me.

      Abortion rights? I’ve had my kids. This means nothing to me.

      Eliminate Dept. Of Ed.? My kids are out of school. This means nothing to me.

      Trump going after his enemies? This means nothing to me.

      Raise your taxes a bit? OH HELL NO!!

    25. People who say this are not undecided. They plan to vote for Trump. They know they are going to vote for Trump. They are simply digging for something to justify their vote because they lack the courage to admit they want Trump because he hates the same people they hate.

    26. Don’t know about the specifics of Kamala’s policies. How about the fact that she’s got policies and not just concepts of them?

    27. Fickle_Land8362 on

      It seems like a lot of undecided voters, esp the ones who abhor Trump’s values but seem fixated on the fact they were doing better financially when he was in office, are holding out hope that they might somehow benefit from a system that’s based on inequality. They’re willing to hold their nose to entertain an authoritarian government as long as there’s a chance that they might come out on top because of it.

    28. If my dog was the only candidate running against Trump, I still know enough to not vote for Trump

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