by javelin3000


    1. He is ***so*** desperate to be liked by the big boys who hang behind the bike sheds and be allowed to play there too…

    2. Grown ass man.

      This dude is beyond the pale. Just imagine your dad in his 50s posted cringe on main.

    3. Imagine if they ran the gov the way Twitter is being run right now hahahahahah.

      How efficient we would be.

      Cut out all those lil stupid pointless jobs like the department of education and OSHA.

    4. I think his only exit strategy is getting trump elected and funnel government financial assets to his companies before they have to deliver anything being promised the last 8 years. Before everything evaporates into a giant Enron pile of nothing.

    5. Dude really saw a doge meme 15 years ago and never let it go. Its weird how obsessed he is with it. Or maybe its just his desperate desire to be liked by people leading to “how do you do fellow kids” behaviour.

    6. No-Carpenter-3457 on

      It’s a praise to his Alt Doge Designer acct. So he’s propping himself up while talking to himself in prep for his promised Trump appointed position.

      Ffs someone take his fucking green card and send him back to South Africa already.

    7. I love how even the AI images have caught on to the fact that Trump spray tans the shit out of his face. Look at those pale ears and temples.

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