Scumbag Don the Con back again selling some knockoff Timberland boots after selling gold sneakers, coins, crypto and a $100,000 watch. Now this. But I thought inflation was bad. How are his cult members able to afford his crap in this economy? 🤔

    by Large-Lack-2933


    1. At least his MAGA base will have something to remember him by when he goes to prison. /s

      The sad part is that his peeps don’t even realize they’re being used. 😒

    2. Plastering “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” all over his merchandise isn’t exactly subtle. What a treasonous bastard.

    3. except for those few stickers, they look the same as those that can be bought here in poor Serbia from the Chinese or at the flea market for little money.

    4. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      Is there *anything* he won’t put his name or face on? And all these people complaining about inflation are buying this crap by the truckload. Guess they have money for the *truly* important things. 😐

    5. I know it’s bad to say it, but the more nonsense he pulls out of his asshole the more I want him in a mental asylum. Like every week, there’s something new coming from him.

    6. More like boots for workers that meant to say work, work, work…. for shit wages, no overtime, no rights. He’s such a piece of shit.

    7. Are these drump branded products coming out faster lately? Or has it always been a rapid fire, stream-of-consciousness feed of crappy Temu products?

    8. …and his supporters are stupid enough to throw their money at all this crap also, it’s laughable.

    9. When you graduate at the bottom of the Wharton Business School these are the best ideas you’re gonna to get.

    10. How fucking stupid do you have to be (it’s a rhetorical question but stick we me) to simultaneously:
      – believe that your cult leader is a billionaire but you’ll buy $20 boots for $200
      – believe that your cult leader cares about you
      – believe that your cult leader is being victimised by the DoJ, whilst knowing that his legal fees and fines paid by donors and followers

      I’ll never understand it – Donny Dumbfuck (in my view) has never made a single utterance that one would regard as intelligent, he has no charisma, humility, insight, diplomacy, decency, self awareness, charm or wit. He’s a self absorbed buffoon.

      How starved of intellect is 30%+ of the US adult population?!?!

    11. It’s not really for his supporters, if anyone hasn’t figured it out yet, it’s for foreign powers to be able to “legally” give him money. The 100k watches, the trading cards, the coins… The ridiculous other stuff. 90% of the trading card was accounted for by Saudi Arabia.

    12. ForeverNecessary2361 on

      The way they put the American flag on their shit merchandise is just so disrespectful to me. It cheapens the flag and what it stands for which saddens me. Using the American flag to sell merchandise….I can’t even.

    13. He’s starting to realize he may not win. He’s trying to con as much $$$ as he can out of his base before that happens

    14. CaptainStankyFarts on

      Is this AI or something? I know he looks like an idiot for real, but what the fuck is up with the picture of his face?

    15. You’d think this would be ideal for going to government buildings and assaulting security.

      But they’re actually very poorly made.

    16. It does make it hard to argue that the economy is so bad people can’t afford eggs, when every week he’s got more crap like this for sale. P

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