60’s and 70’s

    by Dry_Enthusiasm_267


    1. In Germany this was replaced by collecting plastic bottles. However, all I see is old people collecting and young people throwing away.
      Times are changing.

    2. One of my buddies and I got around $15 in quarters from a TMNT arcade machine. One of the coin slots had an out of order sign hanging over it but, like dumb ass kids will do, we had to mess with it. Started pushing it for coin return and it just started dumping quarters by the handful. Being dumb ass kids paid off that day for a few minutes, until we naturally dumped it all right back in to the working coin slot. Couldn’t tell ya anymore how long it actually took us to play through that many quarters, but were living the dream for a little while that day.

    3. This is the Automatic Electric version of a fortress payphone located in GTE and other independent (non-Bell System) areas. Some of them didn’t have working coin returns because the phone lacked the mechanisms for that. The return was locked shut. Instead you put your money in after the call was connected which turned on the microphone so the called party could hear you.

      They had to do this in areas where the equipment was very old.

    4. Back when I worked telecom lineman in the early 2000’s we had ‘coin girl.’ Her job was to collect coin from the phones and report ones out of order. Talk about a high-stress position! /s

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