Republicans are mad Harris is doing what they asked her to do

    by A-Wise-Cobbler


    1. Maximum-Purchase-135 on

      Is it pronounced Kamala or Kamala? Is it pronounced Trump or Tramp? Harris should call him Donald TRAMP from now on… pass it on

    2. Fox……the scourge of television. At least they paid their fine which is more than Dumpster has.

    3. They’re consistently inconsistent.

      As we’ve all seen for decades, now, it’s all about whatever shit they can stir for the day. The problem is, they’re currently so desperate they’re just spewing random criticisms without any (actual) coordination or planning.

      So when their attack statements are undermined by reality almost immediately, they’re stuck pivoting in panic.

      Also, their core audience has the memory duration of an amoeba. That’s why they still have an audience. Because consistency is confined solely to “what annoys me in this moment, regardless of what I said 2 minutes ago?”

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