The 70’s were the best times and we just didn’t know it!

    by Dry_Enthusiasm_267


    1. It goes in 30 year cycles. The 60s were turbulent and people were fighting for shit then relaxed and enjoyed their victories in the 70s. Then the 80s took it too far and everyone got selfish and obsessed with wealth so the 90s had to be turbulent again. Then the 2000s were pretty chill and the 2010s gave rise to selfishness again and right now people are fighting back against it again. The 30s is due to be the next 70s provided the public fight hard in what remains of the 20s.

    2. people are happy when middle class is strong
      and poor people have a desire for been better
      while very heathy people have to pleasure said middle class

      rn we have healthy people that dont give a fuck since everyone hates them and pleasing congress is more profitable
      poor people dont wanna bother been better since middle class its almost the same
      middle class losing power and starting to not care
      its joever

    3. Eh, not if you were old enough to go to Vietnam, or knew anything about the Cold War, or were in a family struggling with low wages and high prices, or had cuckoo parents steeped in religious fundamentalism, or lived in the middle of nowhere, miles from school friends.
      My adult life with my own nuclear family has been exponentially greater than some nostalgic sense of youth.

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