My 8 year old painted still life pears in art the other day

    by wonkywookiee


    1. Longjumping_Drag2752 on

      Can we appreciate the attempt at shadowing the cock shaped pear. Gives it some depth ngl.

    2. That’s really good actually. Must be a smart kid, they say drawing details like this at a young age can be a sign of a gifted person. But maybe they just practised a lot, lol.

    3. Timely_Lychee_1727 on

      Ok. We all know what it looks like, but fair play. I couldn’t paint that well when I was 8!

    4. Kid studied Georgia o Keefe and decided it was high time for someone to corner the inverse side of the market

      Joking aside this is really freaking impressive for an 8 year old

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