My wife spotted this one today at school. Florida.

    by Sephiroth2014


    1. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      ‘kay. I’ll fine God.  +fills out citation+ That’s a 50 dollar fine for polluting the world with these dipshits. 

    2. franchisedfeelings on

      Notice it’s always “faith” with these maga cult members, never common sense, and always oblivious to cringey, weird, self embarrassment.

    3. I’ve never actually known the word “find” to be misspelled. I’m genuinely, authentically, verifiably impressed.

    4. A family member stole my card recently and used it to buy a mug with a pic of Trump after getting shot/knicked. I didn’t even notice they did it till they told me they did after it arrived. I can’t even say that I don’t like Trump or it’ll start a fight

    5. Acceptable_Weather23 on

      Well there you go now we know you are a special person. I will play along with your believe world. I kind of dig Odin and freya you know three legged goat and Valhalla for real men who die in battle. I don’t know how they deal with cowards with corns

    6. Someone should remind them telling lies and spreading hate as a sin. That’s all Donald Trump does Tell lies spread hate.

    7. These maga morons are something else. They can’t spell for shit and have shit for brains. Literally.

    8. What’s MAGA stand for?
      Uk based and rarely on social media. Currently doom scrolling tonight for the first time in a while and remembering how funny Reddit can be 😬🤣

    9. Charming-Command3965 on

      Sadly in FL. We are full of these individuals. They suck the air where ever they go 🙄

    10. One-Education-2918 on

      I do not think any of these people have read the Bible. Little old atheist me remembers that there a story about worshipping a golden calf and god getting pissed. I think we found our golden calf. When is god gonna get mad?

    11. Senior_You_6725 on

      I look at all these preachers flying around in private jets and absolutely agree we should be fining god, through his agents.

    12. I Fined God bastard still hasn’t coughed up the dough he owes me, and I might have to take it civil.

    13. QuantumXCy4_E-Nigma on

      I just hope God gets his day in court. At least He might get the fine reduced, if not tossed.

    14. How does this make sense: Following an ideology that convinces you a person who has violated all of the ideals of a book you hold dear is the leader chosen by your deity.

      Mental gymnastics that would have Simone Biles retiring immediately.

    15. Rassayana_Atrindh on

      I work with one of these morons. She thinks Trump is the “righteous choice”. What sort of cognitive dissonance do these people suffer from, JFC.

    16. Revolutionary_Tip701 on

      I didn’t know we could fined God.

      What if he doesn’t agree with the fine.

      Will he show up in court?

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