The amount of security cameras at this casino

    by glenwoodwaterboy


    1. Effective_Fish_3402 on

      Must’ve been hit by the one armed bandit, heard he’s a slippery fellow who takes all your money!

    2. Old-Significance4921 on

      Yeah man that’s the ceiling at any casino. They got more ladybugs up there than Lindsey Graham’s backside.

    3. It looks like the board had a diagram on a table with tokens all laid out neatly where the cameras and vents should be, and right before the electricians came to implement the strategy, someone bumped their knee when getting up to leave the meeting.

    4. I know for retail stores, half of those would be dummies. For a casino I can absolutely believe they’re all real.

    5. Dorothys_Division on

      The one I worked in had around 3,000 I was aware of.

      And that was in 2013.

      It isn’t about safety. It’s about stopping any effort at cheating any mechanism or system, as well as theft of casino funds.

    6. Chairman_Mittens on

      … the casino manager is watching the shift bosses. I’m watching the casino manager. And the eye-in-the-sky is watching us all.

    7. It actually looks like each one is set up to overwatch 1-2 machines at a time, to make sure no one does shenanigans to them.

    8. Former Casino Surveillance Supervisor (eye in the sky) here.

      There are many reasons for this. In one are of the Casino we used to have Poker tables. Regulatory requirements said we had to have cameras pointing at specific spots for each table. After some time Poker’s popularity faded and the tables were removed. They filled the area with slot machines. So in one area we had a huge cluster of various types of cameras.

      Another reason might be that they placed cameras in various clusters to anticipate where the Slots department are going to move their machines. The couple casinos I was in we were never informed and our techs weren’t able to constantly remove, rerun wire, and program/adjust the cameras all the time. So we installed a bunch of cameras and as the machines moved around and it taller machines replaced short ones and vice versa we had the correct angles.

      Our techs spend a lot of time updating, adjusting, repairing, cleaning, replacing cameras, and running wire. In the long run, put the cameras up, run the wire, and if anything changes just leave everything be.

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