He borrowed a family for his campaign picture

    by thenewyorkgod


    1. Majestic-Lake-5602 on

      What kind of brainless PR guy thought: “hey, imaginary family, that’s what this guy needs to be a winner!”

    2. Substantial_Past_912 on

      I am sure every member of the GOP will bend over backward to justify it because, for some reason, they never face any consequences anymore.

    3. OffensiveBiatch on

      He can have my family; he just needs to keep his hands and dick off my dog, cat, goat, pigeon, and boa.

    4. ExactDevelopment4892 on

      JD Vance rented a dog to make him look more human, this guy rented a family to make him look more human, maybe the illuminati conspiracy theorists were right all along and the lizard people really do walk among us.

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