Let’s see how this plan works out

    by Comet_With_One_T


    1. HackingTrunkSlammer on

      I have family in that area and they’re all staunch MAGA. But I still love them and I hope they are okay.

    2. They’d happily allow it if that means some minorities or women of “loose morals” got hurt as well

    3. Tired of hearing the same old Hurricane warnings from NOAA or NWS?

      Now for sale:

      TRUMP SHARPIE! Only $2,500! Redirect that hurricane at your own convenience!*

      *-Does not include ink.

      -Picture for illustration purposes only, actual product might resemble a crayon your 5-year old left in the yard

      -All sales final, NO REFUNDS!

      Order within 24 hours and you’ll receive a FREE stool sample straight from the Trumpster’s Dumpster (as his handlers/nannies fondly call it.) *SPOILERS* It’s his ass.

    4. With Donald Trump as president you’ll never need another weather forecast, because he uses a sharpie.

    5. Oh don’t worry. You’ll be able to subscribe to its commercial replacement for a small fee proportional to the information you want to know. Better yet it’ll be ran by tRump Enterprises. Time to buy stock in a company that makes black magic markers!

    6. A Sharpie? You kids and your newfangled technology. I’m going to protect myself, my home and my family with good old Thoughts and Prayers!

    7. This reads like sarcasm / dark-humour from a left-leaning voice to me, not a serious recommendation from a right-winger.

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