Who are these “undecided voters” anyway?

    by Any_Lie1432


    1. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

      The undecided voters are not choosing between Harris and Trump. They are choosing between apathy and being a responsible citizen.

    2. My mother, in fairness – she’s not that engaged in the news and surrounded by trump fanatics and single-issue pro-lifers in her religious community, but values positive vibes, virtues and tolerance, so it’s a hard choice between the weird guy all her friends are hungry for and this new person who is confusingly both one who practices a more old-fashioned, familiar politics and one who is an unknown variable.

    3. WaitingForNormal on

      “Undecided” means, “doesn’t care” or more likely, “republican who doesn’t want their neighbors to know they’re racist”.

    4. perhaps some are Republicans who don’t want to admit they’re voting for Harris out of fear for their lives

    5. Most people are only just beginning to tune in. They don’t have much time and don’t think it’ll make that much of a difference anyway.
      The voting rate in the country is only ever around 60-70%, so many don’t care.

    6. One is our last chance to save America and democracy and the other knows nothing about politics. Real hard to choose the obvious…

    7. I think they wanna feel special and be like woo’ed by the candidate especially in swing states. Hence the problem with like 5-7 states deciding it.

    8. Master_Shoulder_9657 on

      They are not undecided, they are undisclosed. pretending to be edgy but they already know who they are voting for

    9. inmatenumberseven on

      They are people who don’t believe ¾ of the stuff said about Trump because they don’t like liberals.

    10. And if one of them stumbled into a post like this, we’d be driving them right towards Trump by insulting them

    11. There are actual undecided voters. They don’t pay attention to politics until right before the election.

      Yes, it’s irresponsible and more than half of the population is, by definition, before average intelligence. Their vote counts as much as yours (moreso in swing states, TBH). Act accordingly.

    12. again, there is no “undecided voters”. this are trumpers who are just ashamed to publicly declare their support for trump. this people are worst that pureblood magats, they know trump is spewing nonsense but they still support him.

    13. ReverseIsThe7thGear on

      I would like to point out that these comments are probably not encouraging undecided voters to side blue, and honestly gives them the right to vote the other side.

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