Crazy people and weather.

    by Javasndphotoclicks


    1. No, they been blaming natural disasters in ‘sinful behavior’ for quite some time now and of course all the ‘sinners’ are Dems

    2. Democrats try to tell us for decades that hurricanes and extreme weather will get worse because of global warming and then suddenly they do? Sounds suspicious… they’ve been grooming us with a lie to hide their weather control device for years! /s

    3. Objective_Oven7673 on

      And then taxpayers foot the bill via FEMA (actually yay socialism) but the party of fiscal responsibility denies that an increase in bad storms could be fixed by addressing climate change.

    4. Used_Intention6479 on

      Does the GOP, the largest climate change denying organization on the planet, have any statements about what Floridians are going through right now? (Crickets.)

    5. WaitingForNormal on

      But this year’s “different”. Catturd has an itchy ass and that means conspiracy is afoot.

    6. It’s gawd telling republicans not to vote for the anti-christ, rapist, and convict Donald Trump.

      *narrator:* they still will.

    7. [apparently Nancy Pelosi is a witch.](

      The Haitians eating pets story is a weird reworking of the medieval Urban myth of Jewish Blood Libel.

      Republican Christians want a fascist leader because apparently only Hitler can save us from Satan. 

      I’m hoping all of this is caused by excessive amounts of lead or Mercury in the water or something so that we can just stop doing that and this will go away. But I’m not holding my breath on an easy out on this one.

    8. I’m laughing so hard at these idiots claiming it came out of nowhere with no warning.

      I live on gulf coast in Texas and we have been keeping an eye on this hurricane since last weekend.

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