Haven’t these poor Haitian refugees suffered enough without being forced to live in Alabama!?

    by SecBalloonDoggies


    1. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      And these aren’t going to be the garden variety cat eating Haitians. These are going to be a new, hungrier breed with a taste for human flesh. Go online now, and purchase the new limited edition trump coins and stop the nightmare before it’s too late!

    2. Queasy_Sleep1207 on

      Fun Charles Kirk fact: he kissed his dad on the lips every day until he was 21. Despite his father’s protests.

    3. AnotherUsername901 on

      I’m waiting for all the big ones to causally use the n word not even slip just casually use it 

    4. At this point, “Haitian” is a stand-in for a word they don’t wanna say publicly, and this manufactured fear is centuries old.

    5. Exact_Patience_9767 on

      Oh come on, little Charlie. You can fear monger better than that. Put a little “they erasing my culture” into it.

    6. Lol, Haiti has 11 million people. 1 percent of the entire nation is going to immigrate to fucking Alabama. These guys just say whatever the fuck

    7. Remember when Trump already lost the election and nothing like that happened except for when he “suggested” his followers overthrow democratic processes.

      Pepperidge Farm remembers

    8. Senior_Resolution_20 on

      The only masters in America are the filthy rich that this a-hole and people like him are working for.

    9. ParticularAd8919 on

      I don’t think Kirk is meaning to allude to this but Haiti was created as the result of a successful slave rebellion against French colonial rule. The Hattian Revolution led to a lot of different (and often horrible) results. There’s a very long and complicated history related to the Revolution and its ramifications. I recommend listening to Mike Duncan’s deep dive on his Revolutions podcast. That said, the Haitian Revolution ultimately sought to end slavery as a whole.

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