Lying to people is hard

    by Brilliant-Round5816


    1. kymani_winxandsponge on

      Me crafting an Oscar worthy narrative after breaking a plate (they saw me in clear view):

    2. This just happened to me minutes ago. Your meme sums up my feelings perfectly. Thank you for understanding. I could hug you.

    3. Lying, keeping my inside thoughts inside and knowing when to keep my inside thoughts inside.

      Knowing how to talk to people. I have no idea.

    4. I think that my parents had me by mistake, of course they’d never say it to my face. They don’t have to though, actions speak louder than words.

    5. i don’t think I’m autistic, but I did this recently at work. I think I’m pretty much persona non grata right now.

    6. Lying comes second nature to me, sometimes it’s genuinely harder to tell the truth then be honest… Or do I?

    7. Wild how people diagnose themselves with autism simply to excuse their egregious personality flaws, instead of just admitting they’re assholes and making an honest attempt to do better.

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