Patton Oswalt on point here lol, Elmo is so transparent!

    by no_longer_huhman


    1. nd at the same time he blocks other users?

      the hypocrisy is real.

      I will be honest, i coudlnt imagine having so much money that you cant trust the genuine reactiosn of people. I fel sorry for ELo in a degree as he has no real friends. HE had to buy a social media ocmpany to give himself the illlusion of friends.

      What a sad pathetic person he is.

    2. He does not seem to understand that his right to spew racist, fascist nonsense is not superior to my right not to listen to him.

      But what do I care. I left Twitter the day the dipstick bought it.

    3. Hmmmm, I can’t go to your hangout little buddy, you blocked me for life I guess for supposedly saying mean things to Don Jr, and princess javanka!

    4. Nice to know that people being bullied on a social media platform can’t block or mute the person bullying them. That seems like a smart idea. Suicide rates will go wayyy down. Fucking absolutely disgusting

    5. My question, and it has bugged the hell out of me for a while now, is why does anyone stay on that platform? Why aren’t people, like Patton Oswalt, bailing out and leaving Elon to his private, ersatz-free speech playground?

      It’s not like there aren’t options, even if they all have their faults. But if Elon and his rightwing nutjob cronies are such a problem, then just leave. Let ’em have the platform, but take away their audience.

    6. Is he insinuating that Twitter is a government entity? That’s the only reason the 1st Amendment would be applicable here.

    7. How can a just God exist when someone like this is the richest and most powerful person in the world?

    8. Sparkle_Motion_0710 on

      Why wait until December? Could it be trying to manipulate speech until the election? No one saw through that! /s

    9. Honestly everyone that uses Twitter to “own” Musk plays into his cards. If you think he sucks get over your addiction and leave this Nazi infested platform.

    10. He’s the kid with the best pool and snacks that was an asshole with a weird family that we went to his house and talked smack about behind his back after

    11. EdithWhartonsFarts on

      Friendly reminder, the 1st amendment concerns the government interfering with your protected speech. It has absolutely nothing to do with private citizens muting your tweet or blocking you. Nothing. Like, at all.

    12. AnyEstablishment1663 on

      I truly don’t get why people suck off this stupid piece of paper. People wrote it 250 years ago and they didn’t know what the fuck a Twitter was or would be. We need to move forward and stop looking backwards

    13. The block and mute button has been removed. This is to protect free speech.

      I will continue to ban anyone who disagree’s with me or my agenda.


    14. Sad_Instruction1392 on

      Freedom is speech doesn’t mean I literally have to listen to every morherfucker who speaks all the time.

    15. Since when does having the right to free speech mean I have to listen?

      Isn’t the context of the 1A basically just “you can’t be imprisoned for things you say”? That doesn’t mean companies can’t remove you from their platform or people can’t block/mute you.

    16. Elmo Mush is becoming boring and predictable. Given the opportunity to be terrible, he’s always gonna be terrible. That’s why he wanted Twitter…unlimited opportunity to be a pr*ck. And by removing these features, he can force people to listen to his ridiculous drivel.

      What he says and does isn’t even shocking anymore, it’s just another asshole being an asshole. This one just happens to be rich.

      Dude needs to lay off the ketamine, it’s making him nuttier every day.

    17. It’s kinda insane the power Elon has. Did we all forget that South African’s were the millennials version of the Nazis


    19. spacemanspiff1115 on

      I’m surprised that Patton has been suspended yet, Leon Thinskin doesn’t like being mocked…

    20. Can we just stop visiting this fucking website? Why is anyone there anymore? It’s legitimately, almost exclusively, a political cesspool at this point. The only non political posts I ever see ( I don’t use it myself, so I do only see reposts ) anymore are from politicians and ‘influencers’ that I’ve never heard of. Just stop going there, let the shit die…

    21. I don’t understand what value people are still getting out this thing (other than the far right pricks)

    22. ClownholeContingency on

      LOL this dipshit is so fucking stupid that he doesn’t even understand how the 1st Amendment works.

      1A is a constraint on the *government* alone. The 1st Amendment *does not apply to private enterprises*.

      What an asshole.

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