Why would you embarrass yourself like that?

    by depressedsinnerxiii


    1. Penchantfortoes on

      I both despise and pity anyone who would take the time to bother posting something like this. Making the world just ever so slightly worse.

    2. If you call Scarlett Johansson ”mid” I expect you to be the most handsome dude who ever existed.

    3. mightbeumightbme on

      Looks amazing, she is almost 40 ffs. OP is the only one embarrassing themselves. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)

    4. IndependentOwn1184 on

      Pretty sure if he got her alone it’d be premature EJ before his pants hit his knees… you played yourself….

    5. She’s also 39 lmfao. I think she looks great. Most people will have a few wrinkles at that age. The body shaming is kinda disturbing, not gonna lie

    6. Goodness lord. Scarlett Johanson is possibly the hottest woman in the last 25 years. I couldn’t care less about literally anything of her body figure. Smh

    7. NerdFromColorado on

      Love how these kinds of people make Lloyd and Harry look better and better every time they open their mouths.

    8. scarlette johansson, a woman who is almost universally regarded as one of the hottest to ever live, is mid?

      according to this random divorced man on twitter?

      wow i didnt know that. i should change my opinion on this i guess.

    9. I was watching an interview with Colin Jost the other day and I thought to myself “Damn that’s one lucky dude. No matter how bad a day he has, he gets to go home and get loved up on by SJ”

    10. Shes fucking 40

      Shes is fucking killing it lol

      Shit, when i was 16 girls my age had similar body flaws…….Fucking excuse me, no, you cant even call them “flaws” at all, its just how real human bodies look

    11. How to tell someone’s never seen a naked woman before.

      Also, what’s wrong with the tummy picture? I get the first one is pointing out the little bit of cellulite, but she has like a picture perfect stomach there.

    12. Incel talk. Whenever any man… I’m sorry I mean BOY acts like this, I hope you women don’t give them attention. Probably some weirdo Andrew Tate worshipping kind of guy. Gross. 🤢

    13. Reminds me of every tabloid from the 90s that cursed an entire generation of girls to have body image issues and eating disorders.

    14. Rich-Appearance-7145 on

      Dude calling her mid, is outta his mind Mother of two, 40 yrs, she’s hot, she’s all natural even at the beach, without getting ready for a camera. Scarlet looks amazing.

    15. AnotherUserOutThere on

      People that criticize or say those features are bad or not attractive, apparently don’t know what actually happens to people as they age and are in for a real awakening once they grow up.

      Absolutely nothing embarrassing in those photos… The haters are what are embarrassing…

    16. CompetitiveMuffin690 on

      $5 says dude that posted that looks nowhere near close to the thought of looking comparatively good as she does. And watches a lot of “Alpha Male” crap

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