This. Dude was a celebrated public figure for 2 straight decades

    by Interesting-Wing616


    1. People don’t understand that criminals don’t hang out in secret caves like batman villains. They love to hobnob with other rich people, partially because they like spending time with people and also to build support through positive interactions.

      Just look at Bill Cosby, he spent decades carefully crafting an image as a positive member of the community while at the same time raping women when the cameras were gone.

      If you’re a sex criminal the literal last thing you want to do is be an isolated weirdo that only pops out to commit sex crimes. This is a well understood phenomenon.

      Diddy had many many parties with rich people that did not know what he was doing or assumed he was into some freaky shit that was still legal. Epstein was the same having many many parties with rich and famous people that helped boost his image with the rich, but also acted as cover for his criminal customers.

    2. More like THREE decades. Bad Boy was big in the 90s! (Sorry, I know that makes us both old 🙁)

    3. InternationalPea9432 on

      Have people forgetter that office parties exists? And this is basically just a celeb version of a work party?

    4. Unusual_Ad_8364 on

      “they rely on good relationships with the many, to get away with abusing the few.” God damn that was a truth bomb. (Even if in some cases “the few” are still many)

    5. yeah he’s a POS but using zero nuance in this conversation and just pointing at single picture with him and someone is crazy, we gotta be better.

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