Found only in the Galapagos Islands the marine iguana is the only marine lizard species in the world, they can dive as deep as 30m (98 ft) and spend up to 30 minutes at a time underwater.

    by WhattheDuck9


    1. TopShelfHockeyMN on

      He says to me, “Poppa, poppa.”

      I said, “What do you need, Chef, my boy?”

      He said, “I need about tree-fiddy.”

    2. Disgusting creatures. Spend their time on land spitting out salt. Ugly as sin, too. Their land based cousins are much more genteel, albeit, ugly as sin too, but without the salt spitting.

      Fascinating place to visit. Highly recommended. We saw George, too.

    3. It’s easy to step in them cuz these MFs are everywhere on the islands! They don’t give AF and lounge around wherever they want.

    4. Somehow picturing Godzilla spitting salt wouldn’t seem dangerous until a wheelbarrow load of wet salt knocked you on your ass.

    5. I love how chill and self-assured it is. There’s someone with a camera right up in its face, and it’s just “go on then, I know you’ve never seen anything as gorgeous as me”.

    6. Can I just get some aquatic lizards with some freaking laser beams on their heads?

      Is that too much to ask?

    7. Also they are insanely bad at swimming and therefore are restricted to eating Kelp.
      It’s low in energy but they just can’t catch fish.

      Cold blooded as well they are forced to sunbathe before feeding in the cold water.

      They are quite interesting and unique.

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