Why they insist on self-identifying?

    by Bursickle


    1. I like how they have to add “Trump supporter” to the bottom of that shirt as if it’s not obvious enough.

    2. adamiconography on

      Why do straight people have to shove their straightness in my face?

      Like cool you enjoy Arby’s, but you don’t have to parade it in front of my face.

    3. It’s amazing how christianity changed from the woke teachings of Jesus Christ to this abomination.

    4. It’s really important to me that you know that I am proud of things that required no effort whatsoever to do.

    5. Rearrange them a little and he could have the acronym “SCUMGUT” which would be far more indicative of a Trump supporter.

    6. His shirt reads like this…


      Shit Kicker




      Pew Pew Pew!

      Look at Me &


    7. That’s all pretty normal stuff, but it’s “unwoke” that I get hung up on. The term Woke used to mean when someone dug past the headline news and learned the history of an event or situation, developing advanced and nuanced opinions that were beyond categorization. Firstly, people of all walks do this to some degree, and I know a lot of conservatives who claim to know “what’s really going on”. Have you ever heard someone talk about the history of gun regulation and what drives certain prohibitions? Sorry y’all, that’s woke. sometimes pretty damn impressive. I take the meaning of “unwoke” on this shirt as “proudly bigoted”. Everything else is not really that culturally identifying.

    8. Primordial_Cumquat on

      Is the “How else can I piss you off today?” written somewhere on the very bottom or something? I feel the shirt is somehow incomplete, as I am not yet adequately pissed off today…. Or really at all. Is it broken?

    9. The need for constant validation (by “triggering libs”) has to get exhausting.

      That guy looks old enough to be on medicare, and this is what he chooses to do with his twilight years? Yikes.

    10. I’d fully expect, someone will recognize the tee-shirt or the back of his head or something and find his profile on Grindr next week.

    11. The first three – Not surprised, very common

      Number 4 – No idea what that means and he probably couldn’t explain it

      Number 5 – He looks to be close to my age and if he went to public schools or was in the military, he definitely has had numerous vaccinations. He just wants to advertise that he hasn’t gotten the no-no vaccine because that would be woke. (I think I might have explained number 4?)

      Number 6 & 7 – Okay? Millions are and don’t have the need to advertise it. Congratulations though.. I guess?

      Number 8 – Ah yes…. Part of the self-described “silent majority” that insist on letting the world know they support a person found liable of sexual abuse who is a habitual liar, every opportunity they get. (Which makes me question the validity of number 1?)

      Interesting that number 8 is in red. Just like the balance sheet for Trump inc.

    12. Self identifying is the silver lining to maga hats, blue line flags, Trump flags, punisher stickers, etc.

    13. What’s someone his age wanting out of wearing that? How are you this old and still so concerned with what others think.

      What’s on the shirt is his personality for sure, and also wearing shirts that tell you their personality is basically their entire personality. He needs people to plainly see what he’s about from a distance by the shirt he wears.

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