They took $117 out of my check I know she’s using that money to go to brunch with her girls, get her hair and nails done and take a trip to Malta

    by Rekdon


    1. big of them to assume everyone is good people like this. many people out there take that as extra income for them and still hit you up asking for more. Tale as old as time.

    2. Ctfu at the title

      But to add on to the post, that’s just for the extracurricular activities. Schools are not cheap, either. That’s not even factoring in how much it costs to live with a whole extra person in utilities, living space, electricity, food, etc. And don’t let you have teens that drive. 😭

    3. You don’t have to buy that every month. I truly believe if you can’t handle the financial burden of a child you shouldn’t have custody of them

    4. SecretPersonal9746 on

      It’s crazy how many problems you can avoid by not fucking bums. But according to Reddit it’s impossible to avoid sleeping and having kids with them so it should just be one large pity party 24/7.

    5. Guardian-hunter on

      Raising kids is expensive but raising them
      in separate homes is so cost prohibitive it doesn’t make sense on any level.

    6. ImNotPostingMyself on

      Food, clothes, school supplies, extracurricular activities and whatever emergency that might arise in that month. It’s called child SUPPORT for a reason and if you think the mother of your child is the type to spend it on herself instead, that says more about you and your decision making because you should have seen the signs of her character before it got to that point.

    7. The issue isn’t just how much of my money has to be paid to take care of my kids, the issue is me having zero proof you’re actually using the money for what you should be.

    8. $25 for a mouthpiece? I’m a coach and I got a pack of 25 off Amazon for like $20…my cousins lose their mouthpieces once a week lol.

    9. Parking_Criticism546 on

      Do not let your daughter go to a free trial at a gymnastics gym. They picked us out of a crowd and flattered us with hopes of having an elite gymnast and now I’m paying 500 bucks a month for practice. 2 meets a year that require air travel. An extra 400 bucks in the fall for their seasonal uniforms. And they turn it into a social club for the girls and the moms just to make it harder to leave. Those bloodsuckers knew we would pay

    10. HostageInToronto on

      If you pay $117 in child support you are broke as fuck or worked real hard to get out of your responsibilities. Either way, be a better parent.

    11. It is unfair to the children when adults cannot soften their hearts to act like a family to them.

    12. Bubbly_Satisfaction2 on

      My bestie’s son’s father claimed that she was mismanaging the monthly $200 child support checks.

      My friend spends, on average, $3000 on things that are related to their son. Money from her own pockets.

    13. $117 would cover groceries to feed my kid for the even a week. When he was a teen, he was eating me out of house and home all the time haha.

    14. Every time I worry I’m spending too much on my dog, I remember how much human children cost, and I am very happy I get to spend my money on my little dude instead.

    15. I even saw a mom who said that she had to bring her elementary school age child to 8 different tryouts. Just the gas money for that. He is right. Kids are expensive. I don’t know how my parents did it

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