Got handed this when I showed up to my interview today

    by mount_joshington


    1. I’d hand it right back and be out that door, laughing hysterically all the while, so fucking fast…

    2. Objective-Ad-2197 on

      Ah, yes- IQ being what determines if someone shows up on time, treats others with respect and consideration as well as what determines a person’s cash value.

    3. Candid-Sky-3709 on

      it would be fun to demand to see the results for everyone above you to check if salary is fair.

    4. Aptitude tests and similar are quite common where I live, and I’ve done a lot of them. Often they are used as a basis for conversation rather than a pure screening tool.
      The ones I’ve done have focused a lot on a variety of tests to try to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses when faced with different tasks requiring problem solving skills. Often followed up with a personality test to discuss collaboration and stress factors.

      This has been mainly for jobs within finance.

    5. I would not work for any company that does not realize and behave in a manner that acknowledges that the interview process is both a chance for them to evaluate me, and a chance for me to evaluate them.

      So, I guess I’d say before I take the test, could you please provide me the results for my hiring manager and their manager? It would also be helpful to see the results of those who would be my closest colleagues.

    6. Knowing myself, I’d audibly ask “You can’t be serious?” when handed that before walking out.

    7. Entire-Elevator-1388 on

      Must possess genius level IQ results in order to get considered. Starting at $10.75/hr.

    8. I actually just recently took a real IQ test as part of my mental health. I would love for someone to hand me this so I could respond with, oh I already know my IQ

    9. Why the fuck should YOU hand the interviewer a copy of your CV? You sent this already so they should have it.

    10. I’m in a consulting position too, but all applicants for my company basically have to retake the SAT. Doing it at my age was…challenging to say the least.

    11. While I have never seen an actual IQ test, I have taken bench skill technical tests for IT jobs. I would refuse an IQ test because they dont prove much.

    12. Tough-Extension8061 on

      They have to pay for each person that takes the test, right?

      Would the link work if we took it 10,000 times?

    13. HopeTheresPudding on

      No, you leave. If they are the kind of company that thinks IQ is the singular measure of intelligence, you run away.

    14. They only do this to harass workers. The only people who would jump through all those hoops are desperate and thus cheaper to hire. Somehow they think we are too stupid to notice.

    15. Worked for a small construction company where we would do psychological testing to see if you had the mental aptitude we need to preform as a lead carpenter. It made a huge difference in getting qualified people and retaining them.

    16. I wish we’d had this when I was interviewing Engineers and Managers. The impact on other peoples lives will be huge in the workplace from those kinds of employees and it can be a very difficult decision. I think Project Manager falls into that same category, unless it’s the “reporter” kind of project manager instead of the “driver” kind.

    17. Okay…being in the corporate world for 25 years…I’ll ask the obvious questions here…

      • What becomes of the test and results after they’ve been scored and recorded…do they dispose of the results…or…is that data/information farmed and housed somewhere.

      • Is this “IQ test” ADA compliant. I can’t see how this would be anywhere near legal given the protections towards the neurodivergent population.

      • I’m curious to know if being too smart is going to disqualify me more than being too intellectually inferior. Most organizations want smart employees, but only smart enough to not rock the boat and challenge the people above them.

      • Lastly…I wouldn’t be surprised if this post was a viral marketing campaign for the Test Your IQ firm. I’m not saying it is…but I’m also saying I would NOT be surprised if it was.

    18. So how much you getting paid to promote this? This is the same pic someone had posted about a month ago (shadow from phone and all) even same title. It was determined to be an ad. So how much you getting from this?

    19. In high school I worked at the Goodwill thrift store. Technically you’re supposed to have a disability or other barrier to employment to work there. But one opened up across the street from my house, I didn’t have a car. The manager threw me a bone and hired me.

      But part of the application was a lot of standardized testing like this. They said I was the highest scoring they’ve ever had, by a lot 😅.

      I definitely learned a bunch, working there with the mentally disabled, felons, and… Heavily medicated.

      I was laid off the week I graduated, because I didn’t ‘need the job anymore’. I was annoyed at the time, but they were totally right.

    20. So you go to an in-person interview to be given an online aptitude test, that’s bullshit if so.

      Also IQ isn’t a test of intelligence as much as pattern recognition but that’s a rant for another time.

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