Your PT is not an MD. Please see somebody

    by JennyBeckman


    1. From my Dr and Therapist – Exercise is one of the best ways to fight depression, and that’s backed with research

    2. Working out feels GOOD but those endorphins wear off quick and then… there ya are, with yourself, just like usual.

    3. There’s an advertisement as old as time.

      Tired of being fat and ugly? Just be ugly. Join ACME Fitness Center.

    4. Buff and depressed? I’m going to the gym to look at everyone else working out and be depressed ☹️. But on a serious note, I can understand why many people turn to the gym, therapy is expensive AF.

    5. Exercise actually does treat depression. Tons of research shows this. Exercise is effective and cheaper than going to therapy, if it works for you then you don’t need to pay more for a therapist.

    6. roll_another_please on

      There are three main things that you need to get in order before diagnosing or yourself with a mood disorder. Those three things are sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Once you get those three things in order, and I mean legitimately (not the “I ate ok for a day and went to the gym once” deal), then you will feel a whole lot better overall. If you have these three things down well and you’re still having issues, seeking profesional health for a diagnosis and help is an absolute must. If you need some help on what is good nutrition, sleep, and exercise, I highly suggest looking up the Andrew Huberman podcast or the Peter Attia podcast. There is also a book called “Outlive” written by Peter Attia that hits on all facets of life health wise.

    7. SakiWinkiCuddles on

      ☠️ you are now hotter and can spread your dysfunction at a faster rate to a wider pool of people❣️ Still with no emotional regulation, no anger management and no conflict resolution tools 👀👀👀👀

    8. Just to clarify, yes the gym can help and the gym is nice but the gym can’t solve trauma. The gym can’t let you process your fucked up childhood. Or your sexual assault. Or your eating disorder.

      The gym is great but the point of the tweet is that some people think ‘well I feel great after the gym so I’m not depressed and have no underlying issues’ which is silly. You can’t run away from your problems, they’ll get you one way or another 

    9. What if you’re just making your depression stronger by posting stuff like this?

      This is definitely mental gymnastics….

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