overload, in India

    by zhumao


    1. Not sure what’s the context there but it’s easy to blame it on intelligence when your journey to work is to seat your ass in a mortgage-financed car and drive comfortably with the AC on.

      That shit boat might be the only way for them to reach the only place in the area that offers work to the first few that show up in the morning. Don’t judge one’s behaviour without context, when it comes to bringing back bread for their family humans can put themselves in irrational dangers.

    2. Why would the owner of the boat not enforce a maximum number of passengers and charge more per passenger?

      If they go to another boat they will sink even faster and he has more customers

    3. OnionTraining1688 on

      That’s Bangladesh i.e. America’s newest geopolitical acquisition in South Asia. Hope you kept receipts 😂

    4. Terrible, if this should happend in sweden, we should send the captain to jail.

      * No safety rail constructed,
      * no life jackets,
      * no gang plank,
      * no rescue suits
      * No safety representive via union
      * No fire extinguishers
      * No lifeboats
      * No counter of number of passangers
      * No volvo engine…

      Not s single right here…

    5. pintofendlesssummer on

      Maybe more people in this area need to change careers … become a captain of a large boat, for instance, similar to a ferry perhaps. Looks like there’s a need in the area and business will boom.

    6. Not having the ship owner/operator/captain counting the people getting in was the first mistake.

      And is bafling this even happened. Ive been in an empoverish country where i had to navigate a river like this and they counted and distributed the weight of everyone and the luggage.

    7. Open-Evidence-6536 on

      As per agreement by all in reddit, Bangladesh has been handed over to India. Now, it’s the 29th state of India.

    8. People are so dumb these days.

      They see overcrowded spaces and are like “This HAS to be India right???”
      There are a lot of countries in South Asia you morons

    9. Express-World-8473 on

      It’s Bangladesh not India. You must be wondering Why is Bangladesh even worse than India which is already quite bad? Just take a look at their population density, it’s over 1300, that’s 3 times the density of India. That’s why you see shit like this.

    10. I_love_my_life80 on

      That’s Bangladesh..

      And people commenting “what’s the difference”.. open your brains.. it’s like saying what’s the difference between an English Man and an American.. or what’s the difference between a Korean guy and a Japanese guy..

    11. Turbulent-Hamster315 on

      These people on Western subs often upload videos of Bangladesh or Pakistan and think it’s India.

    12. Business-Truth8709 on

      another chinese propaganda targetted at India, but this time they forgot to remove the chinese text over it.This clip is actually from Bangladesh.
      A country like China which sensors everything that goes on the internet has the audacity to spread propaganda while hiding the fact that their latest, state of the art nuclear submarine submerged few months ago.

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