This rack of consent badges at a furry convention

    by thearroyotoad


    1. smart honestly. would be obnoxious as hell to have speech and sight limited and people around you are just touching you all over

    2. I’d need a few “Leave me alone”, “Respectfully fuck off” and “Do not interact” badges in my every day life.

    3. MightyBobTheMighty on

      Is “Ask before physical contact” not the standard that everyone who breaks should be publicly shamed over?

    4. Most of this makes perfect sense. “Uppies” got an eyebrow raise though. Is that a normal thing in that community?

    5. It’s funny I find these dumb but also really useful. Like you either need to wear like 8 different badges or pick what information is important enough to need one.

      I’m just imagining a future where everyone has some sort of AR glasses or implant or something and you look at someone and all of these pop up.

    6. Tbh I need one of the “ask before physical contact” ones for my everyday. The amount of times I get petted like a cat because of large curly hair would surprise most people. And off guard too, imagine standing then all of a sudden you feel a hand run down your head while the person tells you how pretty your hair is in a low tone

    7. This seems pretty clever, actually. I imagine it’s pretty tough to communicate in those big costumes, especially in what I imagine has got to be a loud convention floor.

    8. I feel like I need the hard of hearing one because people get angry that I don’t respond to them approaching me on my way into the store. Like man 🤷 you might as well have been silent

    9. My whole consume would be plastered in “do not interact” and one single badge “ask for hugs”

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