Last photo of Kinneret Gat alive, taken in Kibbutz Be’eri from a recovered terrorist camera. As they attempted to take her, she stuck out her tongue in a last act of resistance.

    by Master_Jackfruit3591


    1. Minialpacadoodle on

      What’s with the filters? Why add them? What appears to me to be the original source doesn’t have a time stamp, shadow border, and pixel effect.

    2. violence is horrible in all its forms, yet:

      “Violence is initiated by those who oppress, who exploit, who fail to recognize others as people – not by those who are oppressed, exploited, and unrecognized. It is not the unloved who cause disaffection, but those who cannot love because they love only themselves.” – Paulo Freie.

      the horrors committed in occupied Palestine are not easily forgivable.

    3. The USA are Israel’s cuck through and through.
      As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 146 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, or just over 75% of all UN members.
      They’re so deep in the US that they’ve integrated themselves into your very politics.
      Just google Jonathon Pollard to see where a lot of it began. Stop being sheep.

    4. That’s honestly such a powerful moment. Imagine knowing your life’s about to end and still finding the strength to defy them like that. Sticking out her tongue might seem small, but it’s a huge act of bravery. I hope I’d be that strong in my last moments.​

    5. Now do it with a Palestinian? Israel would murder them immediately. Stop these bots posting Israeli propaganda. There was a hostage deal offered on the 8th of October and Netanyahu refused it and every hostage deal offered after. These photos just push an Israel agenda, they arent about the hostage, who is showing great resistance. But Netanyahu wants her dead. Why arent we talking about that fact too?

    6. silastheburrito on

      i cannot fathom how many western people can support an organization like hamas…. the slogan “free palestine” is under current circumstances the same as saying “free hamas”. I hope israel gets every last fuccer drone striked.

    7. I wonder what face the World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers were making before an airstrike hit their clearly marked humanitarian aid vehicle on April 1st 2024.

    8. Gonorrhea_Gobbler on

      This is everyone’s daily reminder that only one side of this conflict thinks that kidnapping civilians and then saying “GIVE US WHAT WE WANT OR ELSE WE’LL MURDER THE CIVILIANS WE KIDNAPPED!” it’s acceptable behavior, and it’s not Israel.

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