At this point Elmo is showing that this isn’t about preventing doxxing but censoring people who even mention the JD Vance dossier

    by Professional-Stop429


    1. Free speech is the last thing Elon cares about. He wants to be free to say whatever he wants and to censor whatever he wants.

    2. ParticularAd8919 on

      If I know the internet, the fact that a big figure or series of big figures is trying to censor something will make users just seek it out more.

    3. Post it again but with loads of racial slurs.

      Im sure their “moderation” will accept that as being “fine speech”

    4. Why do ppl even have Twitter? Everyone I know that has it also hates Elmo while keeping his business running, just seems stupid.

    5. Has he never heard of the Steisand Effect? You want to encourage someone to read something… ban it.

    6. Musk buying Twitter and ruining it reminds me of Back to the Future 2, when Bif became wealthy and ruined Hill Valley.

    7. TheRealCabbageJack on

      “I don’t understand…I keep using this app that is run and owned by an ultra-right wing unhinged psychopath, yet he keeps impacting my user experience negatively?”

    8. Why don’t we start suing him everytime for “false advertising.” Selling a product advertising “free speech” and then him censoring at his every whim.

      Discovery would be interesting. At the very least he’d have to defend himself publicly.

      Or at the very least someone should keep a running tab of the times he bans political speech he doesn’t like. Repost everytime he adds a new one.

    9. This person probably thinks they’re “fighting the good fight” by remaining on X to “fight misinformation”, but the blue check shows they’re just paying Elon and propping up his bullshit.

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