Progressive males

    by LeishaFrey


    1. Honestly, what the fuck caused this explosion of stupid males full of stupid theories? I can’t take it.

    2. As a daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter of a veteran, anyone I find mocking soldiers grieving for their fallen brothers and sisters is gonna catch these hands. These men and women have been through literal hell on earth and have lost their friends in horrific and gruesome ways, and you’re going to shame them for fucking grieving?? Fuck outta here with that shit.

    3. There are dudes out there that don’t wipe their ass properly as they are afraid it might make them gay…

      People that say shit like this, are quite literally dirt assholes.

    4. My dad served, and he cried when one of our dachshunds died how can people think being a man Is being unfazed by things

    5. AValentineSolutions on

      Conservatives have masculinity as fragile as wet tissue paper. Look at their icons – an orange ghoul who takes EVERYTHING said against him personally, and a pale loser who bought Twitter because his trans daughter was shitting on him there.

    6. It giving: How do you check your nails, 💅 or ✊? What ear do you have pierced? Pick a number 1 or 0.

    7. PurpleDragonCorn on

      Imagine having such frail masculinity that you think soldiers who have lost their closest friends, men/women who laid down their lives so that we (to include the surviving soldier) could all live and express said sorrow are weak.

      This fuck will never know what it means to watch someone who is closer to you than a spouse or family get shot and killed right next to you. Losing a battle buddy is losing a part of oneself.

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