Where was the anger and racism?

    by DanielTheEunuch


    1. Almostsuicide1234 on

      It also lacked far fetched apocalyptic prophecy. I don’t know if I can vote for someone who doesn’t predict Armageddon if they don’t get elected lol.

    2. Very highly recommend the NYT Pitchbot account on Twitter. If you liked this post enough to read the comments, you will LOVE this account.

    3. I was about to get all righteous, but I did the right thing and read his piece first. Turns out he unloaded on Trump with both barrels and brought the snark.

    4. As for the tanks comment a bunch of mothballed Abrams are being converted to hybrid drive trains. They’ll use half the fuel they were.

    5. Great satirical article. It well demonstrates the DC Universe Bizarro World reality that MAGA lives in.

    6. She gave a speech that was on point and stuck to the topic.

      Trump on the other hand will start a speech, saying his plan is wonderful, and then begin to tell you unrelated stories and ramble on. Much like someone with dementia trying to form thoughts.

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