”Fossil fuel is a marketing term”

    by Knownoname98


    1. The oil and gas industry does like to make up words to make petrochemicals more palatable.

      Like they invented the term “Natural gas” to make methane sound better. Burning methane for cooking and heating sounds a lot worse than natural gas and almost makes it seem like it’s not that bad.

    2. I was curious and read an article about this. Apparently this is based on a hypothesis from the 16th century.

      They found that oil and gas can form abiogenetically, but only in low concentrations. The majority of what we actually find is biogenic.

    3. fothergillfuckup on

      It’s interesting that apparently the North Sea oil fields that had been drained several years ago have, at least partially, refilled?

    4. Fossil fuels are not renewable but we’re also not going to run out of them any time soon. This aspect of energy issues has been overblown in the past – if the concern was just about running out then we could wait another 100 years.

      We want to move away from fossil fuels urgently because of their environmental impact, not because of supply issues.

    5. The depths at and the geological layers that oil deposit can be found at prove this by themselves.

    6. I remember talks about peak oil, but nowadays we really shouldn’t need to talk about it anymore. Regardless of the origin, it’s a bad idea to blast terraforming amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.


      it’s fuel… originating from fossilized remains… i don’t know about you, but fossil fuels, as a name, works quite well.

    8. Sure, the earth is “constantly making more”. Just like your body is constantly “making more hair”.
      But if you shave it all off, you can’t expect to have a full blown mane again within two minutes after shaving.

    9. I’m gonna take a wild guess that the guy saying this is some sort of process of abiogenisis does not believe in abiogenisis

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