November is a vote for democracy or vote for dictatorship

    by Detroitish24


    1. I fear that too many Republicans will play into tribalistic politics and put party before country.

      They forgot what it means to be Patriots.

    2. I’m more worried about the people who say “I’m voting for Trump because he’ll save the economy'” Despite all the shit he’s done.

    3. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      More people don’t vote than vote for either candidate. Go get your neighbors organized and activate them. Call up the candidates’ organization or the party office and have them send the voter bus. Make it a goddamn party bus! Keep score of how many people you can get to the polls. Organize. Activate. Vote.

    4. blandocalrissian50 on

      The MAGAts are so loud, we think they are the majority, but that’s not true. They are not the majority. If we want this country to be better, we have to make it better.

    5. Love all the tough white men coming forward showing that you can be a tough manly man and still be a decent person(I mean heck, Tim Walz is kind of an embodiment of that), and that it’s not that hard to be a decent person instead of a conservative weirdo

    6. TheOtherUprising on

      The trend lines aren’t what you would except. Although Trump does better with white voters overall he is getting lower percentages with them than in his previous elections. It’s with minority voters that Trump has gained a bit.

    7. It sickens me that any male, regardless of race or resume, that’s fathered a daughter could cast a vote for Trump, knowing the future the republican party envisions for them.

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