The clownshow needs to end

    by Stock-Disaster-8388


    1. TheManIWas5YearsAgo on

      Mike Johnson is a huge part of Republican problem not part of the solution.

      He thinks the earth is 10,000 years old and her uses a app to track his son’s porn usage.

      He’s horrible.

    2. Strictly self preservation, he’s going against the Democrats until it comes down to budget allocations and shit because the Democrats are keeping him alive in the house.

      If it were not for this he would be out on his ass just like the last republican speaker.

    3. Republicans so fucking incompetent and useless they can’t even do the very easiest part of your job. Imagine any other American being as bad as their job as the average republican in office.

    4. blandocalrissian50 on

      It’s time for dem majorities in all places. We need to end the stupid games that are getting people killed.

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