Not weird at all.

    by Flat_Suggestion7545


    1. This is like when the smelly neckbeard at highschool who orbits the goth girls pulls his fedora down over his eyes and unsheathes
      his mall-bought katana

    2. Oh my god did he seriously do an “I studied the blade” unironically?

      And why is it *always* a katana? Longswords, people!

    3. He’s LARPing now?

      That’s fine as a hobby, but don’t kid yourself it’s anything more, Elon.

    4. He’s really getting that 13 year old boy fanbase of his all riled up for the election they can’t vote in.

    5. “while you’ve been going on ‘dates’ with ‘females’, I’ve been studying the blade”

    6. Affectionate_Fly1413 on

      This guy has all the money in the world to dedicate himself to be fit, well educated and travel the world enjoying a healthy lifestyle, even being famous and if he wanted he could literally end up being the most interesting man in the world.

      But nooooo… he wants to pretend he’s a Bond movie type of antihero, but comes out more like an Austin Powers villan.

    7. GloomyFondant526 on

      I am so sorry for partying, having premarital sex and wasting my days at the gym. Elon has showed us all the terrifying power of study.

    8. This demented child punked out immediately when Zuckerberg took him up on his offer to fight. He is a coward who thinks that In whatever battle world libertarian fever dream he wants to bring about that he would rule. Not understanding that whatever security detail he thinks will protect him, wouldn’t immediately let a mob drag him out of whatever posh little hole he’s built for himself, eat him, then loot the place. I am definitely not a badass, but i would bet my life I could wake up from a dead sleep in my boxers, destroy him, and be back in bed before my eyes adjusted to the light.

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