Imagine being this dumb

    by uDoucheChill


    1. How exactly do “they” manipulate the weather? Who are “they” anyway? I’d like to get to the bottom of this before I have to shovel one scoop of backbreaking snow in a few months. Just asking questions

    2. These are the same people who see a movie tag line of “based on true events” and start worrying that the Blair witch is a thing

    3. They’re soooooo close to understanding climate change is man-made and is getting worse! But then they take it to some crazy extreme when the answer has been in front of them for years now

    4. franchisedfeelings on

      Catturd and Christina should not worry – the felon can fix that hurricane fact with one swipe of a sharpie.

    5. …or we’re finally at the stage where we can physically see the devastating storms getting worse, from climate change. Assuming these hurricanes are, indeed, the worse ever. I live up north, we don’t pay attention to hurricanes.

    6. Herlander_Carvalho on

      I’ll confess… it was us… The Gays. Yes, we are to blame, you were already warned in the past that God would be irate because of The Gays.


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