Oh, he’s going to hate Fox News now.

    by ruthless_barber


    1. Please don’t be complacent.

      These polls don’t matter.

      There are other polls for Georgia that show Trump in the lead, so it is crucial that people not brush off voting.

      The victory must be great. It should be a strong repudiation of Trump’s unabashedly racist, xenophobic rhetoric.

    2. MAGA: Why won’t Biden step down? He’s too old!

      Network news: Why won’t Biden step down? He’s too old!

      Biden: Steps down, nominates Kamala, polls show Kamala will beat Trump

      Fox News: We want Biden back!!!!

    3. Which is why the GA Elections Board is illegally attempting yuge shitfuckery preemptively to ensure that if the state goes to Harris, she won’t get the electoral votes.

    4. Don’t trust any poll. Make sure we flush the Orange Turd permanently on November 5th. Vote like your democracy depends on it because it does.

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