1. Meanwhile, Trump is spewing Putin’s talking points and promises to pull all support from Ukraine and remove sanctions against Russia as soon as he takes office. We can’t let Putin’s stooge back in the White House!



    2. Trump ordered the GOP to refuse any solutions to border security under the Biden administration so he’d have illegal immigration to run on. Trump wants an open border while he’s running for president. This is a 100% fact!



    3. I know why Dear Leader’s campaign calls those events “press conferences” even though he never takes questions, and I know why the press goes along with and dutifully repeats it, but that doesn’t mean they are actually press conferences.

    4. Just so we’re clear: Attacking the accessibility & accommodations of immigrant students is only the first step. If Trump/Vance win the presidency, they’ll be coming after the accommodations & needs of disabled kids next. Any student who needs extra help will be screwed!



    5. This is profoundly despicable. It’s putting the lives of innocent families who are here legally at risk. This is hate speech, and it should be condemned by any person with a shred of human decency. Voters need to reject this, resoundingly. My god, what sickness this man spreads!



    6. Trump isn’t speaking to us. He’s speaking to the morons who believe anything he says. He probably can’t find Haiti on a map, and it’s doubtful if he knows any of its history. He just wants to scapegoat for votes.



    7. Pay attention to how he reads! Do you notice that Trump isn’t able to read from those papers without using his finger? He’s glitching. can’t read, making up shit. Will the press talk about his cognitive decline?! Also, what phone app?!



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