Blue bird

    by TheEmperorofDarkness


    1. Humble_Examination27 on

      They bully the squirrels off my bird feeder. Funny to me. It’s not supposed to be a squirrel feeder

    2. Devils_A66vocate on

      I loved the way blue jays look but they are so aggressive when you’re in their territory.

    3. Is this the only bird that makes this sound? I’m sure I heard it in a Metal Gear game (probably MGSV).

    4. Props to this guy for handling it so gently and professionally. Jays are some of my favourite birds 🙂

    5. The blue jays come in the spring and become so territorial that we can’t use our yard until the falcons come to nest. I hate those screechy mtfkers. I welcome the piercing call of the falcons with open arms if it means I can enjoy my gardens and patio.

    6. Honestly, I think birds in general are just the best animals. Beautiful, smart, can fly, don’t usually kill you, soft to touch.

    7. Just some context here, it looks like these guys are doing some sort of wildlife survey where the birds are caught, and most likely some feathers are taken, possibly blood, and then banded (to identify recaptures). Someone skilled at this can process a bird in a minute or two, and the birds are released. The birds are usually pretty grumpy, but they recover almost immediately after release, and show no signs of being stressed (as in they still eat and mate and rear their young). Imagine a road block where you have to show your license, registration and proof of insurance, its the same kind of thing. 

      The first shot of the video you can see the dude holding the Blue Jay in what’s called a “banders grip,” with the head of the bird secured between two fingers, and the body secured with the rest of his hand, allowing him to work on the little dude without hurting him.

      I miss doing field research on birds, they are amazing creatures, and being able to interact with them even at a cursory level like this is a lot of fun. 

    8. Fun Fact: There are no “blue” birds in the sense of color created by pigments – they are actually black in color. The blue appearance is due to an optical illusion of light interacting with the microscopic structure of the feather filaments. This is why all “blue” birds have an iridescent sheen to them, like oil on water.

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