Elon Musk admitting that he personally banned Ken Klippenstein’s account because it would have potentially hurt Trump’s chances of winning

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      Trump once used twitter to post Obama’s personal address and it caused a man to go there to try and get onto the property, while armed.

      Elon unbanned Donald Trump.

      Edit: libs of tiktok has posted enough information to find individuals more than a few times and it has led to direct death threats and harassment of those people. She was unbanned by Elon, and started doing it again without any action taken against her.

    2. Wait. Elon thinks doxxing is bad now? We should expect a lot of other right wing accounts to be banned soon, right?


    3. Lmao, this douche is so full of shit, I can’t believe he still has brain cells left to vomit his far right Russian propaganda.

    4. JD Vance was exposed and Elon had to clean up the damage. I hope this is shared on every platform available.

    5. there_was_no_god on

      remember when LEON bought twitter & published all of that personal data from the employees he fired?

      Pepperidge Farms remembers.

    6. Seems to me, twitter doxxs some Democrat every week. Oh that’s right, Rules for Thee but None for Me is the repuke motto

    7. Is X really still influential anymore? Deleting tweets mostly matters to those who use it frequently, and I thought the only ones who do that are incel shitstains and bots.

    8. Is this the same Ken Klippenstein the CIA used to trash David Grusch by violating the confidentiality of his medical records?

    9. Wait, his address and phone number was in the report and it was released unredacted? That does sound messed up. I don’t care who released it and who it was about.

      Is there something I’m missing? And please don’t say but they’d do the same thing.

    10. Elon has gone full brainwashed maga. So great that he has multiple government contracts and is in control of the sole source of internet in many politically or economically fragile places!

    11. I hope someone can oust Elon from Twitter and put everything back the way it was before he took over. Cause it’s been past time to put his ‘weird, interfering with elections, selective free speech’ ass tf out.

      The headline: Elon LOSES Twitter.

      …it just can’t happen fast enough.

    12. I would be interested to know how he would handle Kamala Harris’ or Tim Walz’ personal information being shared on his platform.

    13. Does he seriously have nothing better to do?

      Also – everyone who’s still using his shit platform should finally delete it already.

    14. Elon is compromised. Revoke his citizenship and deport him back to South Africa. He is an outsider tarnishing our democracy

    15. ccccombobreakerx on

      This from the same guy who made questionable tweets regarding Harris’s safety, purposely trying to instigate more violence, after the 2nd assassination attempt?

    16. In January, Elon banned Klippenstein in retaliation for Klippenstein’s posting a picture of Elon with Ghislaine Maxwell, but was forced to unban him after media attention. Elon is using this to get revenge.

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