A blimp crashes into buildings in a Sao Paulo suburb in Brazil on Wednesday, Sept. 25th

    by Mint_Perspective


    1. cheesey_sausage22255 on

      It’s like they had it.. All good then said fuck it, we’re this low might as well crash.

    2. HugoZHackenbush2 on

      Those blimps are very expensive to purchase and operate these days..

      mainly due to rising inflation…

    3. I have a dream that one day Will Ferrell will star as a Blimp Captain in the end times of the Stadium Blimp era. Budget cuts and lack of true blimp enthusiasm threaten to bring an end to blimping as we know it. Will, the last bastion of honest blimp captains, must rise to the occasion, to stand up to Big Blimp once and for all, risking his livelihood as a Blimp Captain to fly high against all odds!

      Big Blimpin’

      Summer 2026

      “Now that’s blimpin’ big.”

    4. AnyDamnThingWillDo on

      They could have taken the building down before it got there and caused it to be demolished because of all the structural damage caused by the impact

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