On Double Standards.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. >Mayor Adams took these contributions even though he knew they were illegal

      That’s all that matters.

    2. Well, yeah, Eric Adams made the mistake of being a Democrat. If you want to be able to commit unlimited crimes whenever you like, that’s a rookie mistake

    3. Simpletruth2022 on

      Because there’s no enforceable ethics code for SCOTUS. They’re the only branch of government without oversight.

    4. mypoliticalvoice on

      My company warned me I couldn’t even buy a government inspector *lunch* after doing a great job.

    5. Captainfartinstein on

      Indicting a justice would be tricky, they could just appeal it and their fellow justices could toss it. Hell they could be one of the votes on their own case.

    6. “Well we can’t have two black men of political power receiving gifts now can we?” Clarence thought to himself.

    7. The extreme court injustices ruled the swag they got were freewill offerings of speech thanking them for being dedicated public servants and constitutionally protected by the money is speech ruling of the self same bunch of injustices.

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