Woman pretends to faint to see how her geese would react

    by Even_Commercial_2782


    1. You’d be concerned too if the person feeding you daily just fell over. “Oh no, who will feed us now?”

    2. They know human tastes like pork, bet if you listen carefully, you can hear them sharpening their knives at night

    3. Awww, look at Ms. In-Charge tripping over watermelons and herself to get to her owner! ♥

    4. Active_Respond_8132 on

      Yeah let’s add some stupid track to this video to make it “more” dramatic, they gonna luv it!!

      You just ruined your video.

    5. Someone please help me in my ignorance: how does one keep geese? Seems like they’d fly away. Are their wings clipped or something?

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