Elon suspends a journalist for sharing the JD Vance dossier

    by Unusual-State1827


    1. Herlander_Carvalho on

      Barbra! BARBRA! Goddamit, where is Barbra Streisand when you need her…? Let me google for that…


    2. bradleyupercrust on

      “JD Vance Dossier” by journalist Ken Klippenstein. Here are the key points (from AI):

      • The dossier is a 271-page research document prepared by the Trump campaign to vet JD Vance as a potential vice presidential candidate

      • The document was allegedly obtained through an Iranian government hack of the Trump campaign

      • Other news media outlets had received the document but declined to publish it, citing concerns about foreign interference

      • Klippenstein decided to publish the dossier, arguing it was of public interest in an election season

      • The dossier contains information on Vance’s potential vulnerabilities as a candidate, including his past criticisms of Trump and his stance on various issues

      • Unlike the infamous Steele Dossier from 2016, this document is described as factual and based on publicly verifiable information

      • The Trump campaign confirmed the hack, accusing Iran of being behind it

      • U.S. intelligence agencies have issued statements about Iranian efforts to interfere in the election, including attempts to compromise Trump’s campaign

      • Klippenstein argues that while foreign actors may attempt to influence elections, there’s no evidence these efforts could actually sway the outcome

      • The article raises questions about media ethics, government influence on journalism, and the public’s right to information in the context of potential foreign interference


    3. Admirable_Nothing on

      Free Speech is dead on Twitter unless it is the kind of speech Musk likes and totally supports Musk’s apartheid worldview.

    4. No one should be surprized by anything this Elon guy does. He is a reckless, truth-hating EV dipstick.

    5. I wish everyone just collectively decided to stop talking about him, stop posting about him, and just ignore him completely going forward.

    6. this is what free speech looks like when you have the unwoke mind virus

      my account was banned on twitter bc I suggested oberpumpkinfurher should rot in prison with the other j6 traitors

    7. Why does anyone bother with Twatter anymore? There’s Threads, there’s Blue Sky, anything that’s not Xitter.

    8. Ready_Register1689 on

      Why do people, respectable people like journalists, still use Twitter? They are giving it validity.

      No one should be surprised this shit happens on Twitter.

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