Ken Klippenstein has published the JD Vance dossier, and within minutes, Musk suspended his account (link in comments)

    by Captain_Wisconsin


    1. Musk will be investigated for election interference next year. Not much will come of it for two reasons. One he’s a billionaire and can afford to keep it in the courts for 10 years. The other reason is nobody ever gets convicted of election interference.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      To be fair, the above summary does indicate that the dossier has personal details about Vance, which may qualify as doxxing.

      What will be more interesting to see is if Brian K gets suspended for posting a mere summary.

    3. Strange_Travels on

      Okay: Let me be clear FUCK ELON MUSK. That said, Suspending the account publishing illegally obtained data does not in any way surprise me. That was Twitter’s response to the New York Post publishing Hunter Biden info back before Elon.

      I would like to believe it’s good legal policy that is their reason for doing this, but I suspect that if this were opposing data about Walz Elon would be just fine with it. So you know, how you view the suspension kind of comes down to whether you trust Elon to be a good faith actor (lol)

    4. Thiel and Musk pushed Vance on poor, doddering, senile, old Trump with the intention of using the 25th Amendment to advance “their guy” into the Presidency. It’s exactly the kind of “look how devious and clever I am” kind of plan that weird MAGA techbros would come up with.

    5. Previous_Beautiful27 on

      If this is all there is I can kinda see why other outlets passed on it. Even Judd Legum said it was a lot of nothing, and he’s usually on point.

      Not that I take a krassenstein at face value, but if his summation is fairly accurate it seems like Vance’s biggest “problems” are he’s a billionaire bankrolled flip flopping hypocrite, which we all knew and which is an asset for republicans.

      It’s silly that Klippenstein got suspended for being the one to actually run with it, but then again you’re in Elon’s world, what do you expect if you stay on Twitter?

    6. So, basically, it confirms Vance is a sellout with no actual principles or plans of his own.

      And we needed a hack from the Trump campaign to tell us this because…?

    7. I have also noticed when clicking links from Reddit that lead to Twitter aka X, if the news is unfavorable for Republicans, the links don’t work.

    8. There’s a hilarious comment on his substack glazing Vance as a free thinker. It’s so embarrassing when people try to intellectualize their support of Trump.

    9. **if** this summary is accurate this is just basically all public knowledge gathered in one place, plus some personal info.

    10. Excellent_Tangerine3 on

      This is Musk™ brand free speech.

      You’re obviously mixing it up with that much older, more archaic Constitution™ brand free speech.

    11. Elon Musk uses Twitter to spread propaganda (and harass Taylor swift). Leave Twitter IMMEDIATELY.

      The more of us leave, the more he fails.

    12. So the xshitter employees who carry out musks requests – are they all to be assumed to be maga nuts at this point?

    13. Humble-Plankton2217 on

      Vance’s only purpose is to do the job Pence wouldn’t. That is all that is required of him. If Trump wins, he *will* be King.

    14. Are we gonna see conservatives cry fowl like they did with the Hunter Biden’s laptop thing? No?

    15. Logical_Historian882 on

      Do you think for a second that Musk would have been suspending accounts for posting internal docs from the DEMOCRATIC party?

      Didn’t think so.

      Doxxing? Give me a break. Musk not only doesn’t suspend the ideologically aligned Libs of TikTok – doxxer in chief- but even finances her.

      He can run his platform as he likes as long as he is clear that he is a shitty hypocrite and the farthest thing from a free speech absolutist there could be.

    16. Puzzleheaded_Ad_8079 on

      Is Elon so up in the daily operations of Twitter? Does he really think he is achieving anything here?

    17. Beneficial-Lion-2045 on

      Vance is the presidential nominee. If this ticket wins, Donald may get tossed out a window or amendment 25 whatever gets rid of him. This isn’t about Donald I’m absolutely convinced, this election is about Vance

    18. FindOneInEveryCar on

      I’ve got to be honest, none of this seems like it’s disqualifying to Trump supporters. Today’s Republicans don’t care about trivia like moral principles or even specific government policies, as long as you swear obeisance to Daddy Trump and hate the right people (i.e. POC, LGBTQ+, etc.).

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