Salma Hayek is 58 years old and she’s looks amazing

    by nzhmar


    1. It’s a lot easier for rich people to age well than poor; and it’s not just about surgery. It’s about being able to eat a better diet, afford personal trainers, nutritionists, etc., and having the time for self-care.

    2. Tons of haters on here lmao. Yes she’s rich and yes she has probably spent a lot of money on cosmetic surgery, etc. but to chalk it all up to that is just hating, 99% of rich people do not look that good at almost 60, she clearly has good genetics too

    3. Scrolling through Tinder, I can tell some people have worn hats/sunblock for their entire life, and some have turned their bodies into leather by 30 years of age.

    4. Most impressive part is that she’s in a swimming pool, so it’s not the makeup that’s doing the work

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