He sure got away!

    by monaleeparis


    1. Vote democrat all across and encourage others to do the same! We have a republican majority government including our Supreme Court, lets change that and hype up our representatives like AOC to hold them accountable or we can easily replace them. We need to involve ourselves more with our government or we can’t complain when all we do is talk about it online. We need to protest and push for things to happen! That’s how every movement and change starts!

    2. It’s different. They write the rules… And the only people who *could* hold them to account are nearly every bit as corrupted as them.

    3. enriquedelcastillo on

      That was the case, but then way back in 2025 the Supreme Court heard *the people vs Clarence Thomas* and a 6-3 ruling determined everything was just hunky dory.

    4. Exciting-Composer157 on

      in the Bio Pic, the late great Andre Braugher would have been the perfect casting choice.

    5. Luckily, as anyone who has ever been in a courtroom can attest. Judges are super forgiving if you just explain you didn’t know something was wrong.

      Otherwise this would just be infuriating.

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