French soldiers practicing Savate, c. 1896-1899

    by XGramatik


    1. I cant imagine having to wear my dress uniform, climb a mountain, and light up the enemy. That just sounds like the definition of suck.

    2. Oh yeah guys we can take them. One skip two skip KICK! Oh no guys! They’re using the two skip kick method! We gotta get the hell outta here!!

    3. The_Lonesome_Poet on

      This looks like the kind of martial arts you practice in a cheesy musical about some star struck lovers.

    4. I mean it looks great as a synchronized dance but if I see that next to a polynesian Haka, I know what I’d be more scared of.

    5. A routine like this is meant to train coordination, discipline and unity. The comments here seem to be under the impression that they would use this dance on the battlefield lol

    6. That’s what we were doing behind The Maginot Line in 1940, we’re still processing what went wrong

    7. PangolinLow6657 on

      It’s like shadowboxing, or training on specific moves you can cookie-cut as situations call for them

    8. Imagine getting your arse handed to you by a guy in a floppy hat that smells of wine and garlic that then hops away.

    9. shadowszanddust on

      You gotta know it!!!

      It’s electric!! (boogie woogie, woogie)

      Now you can’t hold it

      It’s electric! (boogie woogie, woogie)

      But you know it’s there…..Here, there and everywhere

    10. Looks ridiculous but there’s been some a* fighters from this school, early UFC had a bunch Gerard Gordeau got to the final using Savate.

      Other savateurs have competed in MMA, such as Bellator Light Heavyweight Champion Christian M’Pumbu, Karl Amoussou and Cheick Kongo.

    11. Is there at least footage of someone actually practicing Savate? I really just want to see how a sparring session looks.

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