School library has a display of banned and challenged books. Here’s a small sample

    by noaddrag


    1. leftoverscience on

      This is definitely the library drawing attention to banned books and intentionally not removing them. I would not be surprised if these get checked out more as a result. Malicious compliance?

    2. dabeiseinistdasding on

      😀 1984 pro-communist! Aha, mh-hm, I see what you did there … and why. ^^
      The warnings for Animal Farm are wild, too. Close to ‘don’t read this book or you will die! of death!! deadly death!!!’

    3. Kitchen-Category-138 on

      It’s like the parental advisory logo they used to put on music, it’s just going to make it more popular.

    4. TheOnsiteEngineer on

      Calling 1984 PRO-communist is showing a rather stunning lack of understanding of the book I would say.

    5. unfinishedportrait56 on

      This week is banned books week! Its purpose is to celebrate the freedom to read books and access information. That’s why they made this display; to highlight all the ridiculous reasons wonderful books have been banned.

    6. Context:

      **LOTR** was never actually banned or even challenged. Somebody at a church book burn tossed it in and called it satanic.

      **1984** has been banned many times over the decades since its release by a variety of governments.

      **Bad Kitty for President** was challenged in a single elementary school for an “implied expletive”.

      **Animal Farm** was never banned or even challenged in the U.S.

      **Charlotte’s Web** is a weird one, as there’s no primary sources for the ban, only a single attribution to an unnamed school in Kansas over some alleged religious implication regarding the talking animals.

      **Where’s Waldo** was banned because of a boob somebody spotted.

    7. Having actually read 1984 I’m really trying to figure out on what planet these people think that the message was PRO-COMMUNIST.

      Orwell was emphatically against the Stalinist regime. That’s quite literally the whole point of the book.

    8. CaptainSouthbird on

      With nothing else to add that hasn’t been said, let’s just have fun reading these incorrectly.

      “Indecent Alcohol Incites Violence” sounds plausible.

      Also, if the warning says “HOLY %#@$” you may want to take it into consideration.

    9. They should just put up a generic warning:

      ***Warning!!! Reading may lead to independent thought and critical thinking!!!***

    10. Doesntmatter1237 on

      It’s so ironic when you see 1984 censored

      Also pro-Communist? Lmao I don’t think the book was about communism at ALL but it’s definitely not *pro* Communism.

      People don’t seem to understand that regardless of your beliefs, factually, communism and authoritarianism are different things

    11. The same people who were trying to get pokemon banned in the 1990s because it was satanic are in office today.

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