United States Representative:

    by what_eve_r


    1. RealUltimatePapo on

      These politicians are absolutely deplorable

      The flippant disrespect, the blatant discrimination, the inhuman attitude towards their fellow human beings

      Vote every one of these bastards out

    2. Clay Higgins is a dumb fuck. Trump isn’t our president he’s a former president and Vance will hopefully never be vice president and just go away. Also, he spelled vudu wrong

    3. xxforrealforlifexx on

      As the Republicans and Magats cry it’s your hatred causing people to want to harm Trump. I would truly love one of them to defend this.

    4. Guys like this crack me up. Complete cowards their whole life, then discover social media in their 60’s. They can finally be tough while still being a total coward

    5. Jesus. If *this* is what this deeply disturbed hateful excuse for a garbage patch thought was good enough to be thurst into the public sphere, I *shudder* to think what he keeps to his private lunacy.

      And think about this: Mike Johnson, speaker of the House, came out in support and said “he is a good friend of mine. He has ‘prayed’ about the post. He regretted it. Then he took it down”.

    6. Embarrassed-Big-Bear on

      Interesting. Lets look at the history of Haiti….. oh look its white people slavery and when they successfully rebelled the slavers did everything they could to isolate the example of people who freed themselves from ……. oh right white people like to think their wars for independence are good, and when black people do it, to be free from white people, its just civil war and rebellion.

    7. First, bullshit, tRump is not our president!, and won’t be!!! What a fucking out of touch moron!!!!

    8. Sadly Louisiana is providing more than our share of idiot, bigoted politicians to the world at large. I’m embarrassed by this clown and the whole LA Republican clown car.

    9. MAGA is late stage cancer of the GOP. It displaces the functional cells with malignant, putrefying pulp and has metastasized thru the entire party. Hopefully it will result in organ death and we can repopulate the vacuum left by the necrotic entity with what passes for centrism in this country and actually start functioning as a government again.

      Trash like Higgins belong in the dumpster of America’s social conscience. Discarded, reviled, and irrelevant.

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