If you’re expecting a logical response, you’re in for a letdown

    by ExactlySorta


    1. I used to think Ben Shapiro was a smart guy, and that will almost certainly be forever my greatest shame.

    2. Beneficial-Big-9915 on

      School should go back to teaching how Congress works, I find people applying for citizenship know more than those who were born in America.

    3. Because Mike Pence was secretly working for Biden, making a concept of the evil plan to steal the election. /s

    4. There’s nothing about the CHIPS act, the Infrastructure Bill or the PACT ACT Trump Pence couldn’t have done. They just DGAF.

    5. everythingbeeps on

      Didn’t Trump himself, around the time he picked JD Vance, state that the VP is basically nothing?


      You fucking know perfectly well that the VP has no real say over policy, so stop fucking lying.

    7. For the crowd who brags about carrying a pocket Constitution with them everywhere, it sure is apparent they’ve never opened it.

      The VP has two duties:

      1. Stay alive

      2. Tie-breaker in the Senate.

      That’s it.

    8. Or get Mexico to pay for the wall or institute an affordable healthcare plan or get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid do all the other stupid things Trump promised?

    9. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      The constant pretending to not understand how things work is one of the reasons I just can never respect Republicans.

      Ben is 100% aware that the vice president can’t really do much of anything. He’s lying anyway.

    10. and Trump was president for 4 years and didn’t do jack/shit – especially the stuff he bleats about consistently. Surely Ben likes to point out that inconsistency in Dear Leader…?

      Yeah, didn’t thin so.

    11. VP has 2 jobs –

      – Replace President, if necessary
      – Break ties in Senate voting

      She’s doing both, quite well.

    12. They also say vice president doesn’t do anything or matter when people say jd Vance sucks

    13. What do they expect her to do, pass an executive order? Ben Shapiro knows damn well the VP doesn’t have power to enact policy like that. He just perpetuates this dumb non-argument because his fans are gullible enough to not think twice about it. It’s the same as when they say “look what she did to California”. She was a senator and a prosecutor. Neither of those offices can make policy at the state level. 

    14. Silent_Cress8310 on

      To be fair, he was very effective in managing to avoid being hanged by a mob of the people who voted for him.

    15. RoamingStarDust on

      Democrats need to implement the same strategy as Ben Shampiro. They say the stupidest shit, but it works great because it puts democrats in the *defensive.* Now democrats have to scramble and explain why this stupid shit is stupid shit. The effect here is that democrats waste energy and never truly go on the offensive.

      The biggest thing people have to do in these situations, above anything else, is to *ridicule* these dumb fucks. Don’t validate their strategies with sincerity because they were never acting in good faith to begin with.

    16. Light_Cloud1024 on

      It’s almost as if Kamala Harris… isn’t the president, and… therefore cannot do anything that only the president can do.

      I know, shocking right?

    17. These Right wing talking heads are dishonest and unfaithful commentators. Ben knows civics so he knows why the executive’s hands are tied and exactly what a VP can do.

      He is a sad little man who it is an absolute national embarrassment that anyone takes.him seriously.

    18. I’m firmly convinced that Ben Shapiro’s kink is having educated women verbally step on his testicles online.

    19. Unperfectbeautie on

      I’m so sick and tired of these a$$hats pretending that they don’t get how everything works simply because it benefits their narrative! I’m even more sick and tired of the fact that way too many people just believe them when they say things! *screamsintothevoid![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)*

    20. I was thinking how dumb this argument is and this gets it correct– WTH did Pence do in his four years, but then I started thinking we really haven’t had an incumbent VP run since Gore in 2000.

      There’s an entire generation out there that has no clue what old campaigns looked like and what knowledge the electorate had.

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