Oh he’s a goon goon I see

    by detox02


    1. I wonder if you took that $10mil and the budget for the cops who are monitoring the fare jumpers, if you could make the subway free?

    2. The cost of living in NY is high as hell. What was he supposed to do? *Not* rob the taxpayers? GTFOHWTB 😤

    3. ![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O)

      Get all of em! Just saw gulliani got disbarred finally,only good news coming from NYC! Keep em coming get all this fucking bozos! Actually fill the damn jails with the ones who actually deserve it! Clean house NY! Happy fucking day!

    4. I am flabbergasted such an obviously sounds individual would be corrupt. Truly, an event of all time 

    5. Or putting those speeding cameras up on streets. I got 3 tickets because I went 27 miles in a 25 speed limit area. Fucking robbery.

    6. Temporary_Tune5430 on

      fucking low life. But is that worse than stealing money from a charity intended to help kids with cancer?

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